Calculus 1 Workshops

Workshops for Math 1140/41 and Math 1151

Online Workshops

These online workshops are intended to summarize and synthesize some of the most difficult or most important concepts in your course.  These interactive practice materials contain practice problems and video explanations.  As you go through the workshop keep a look out for buttons which will lead you to more information.  You can go through the whole workshop or jump straight to the part you are having difficulty with.

You will get the most out of this workshop if you actively engage with the materials.  A workshop handout is available for you to take notes. We strongly suggest working through the workshop with a group of friends from your class if possible.

If you have a disability and experience difficulty accessing these online workshops, please contact us for assistance via email at

In-Person Workshops

Below are handouts for in-person workshops.  In-Person Workshops are offered at key times throughout the semester corresponding to when these topics are taught.  Current registered Math 1151 students will receive emails which allow them to sign up for in-person workshops.

Online Workshops

This workshop will help you compare and contrast limits existing and continuity, as well as compute limits. We will look at these concepts conceptually, graphically, and algebraically. This is a great way to begin synthesizing these topics before your first exam.


This workshop will help you understand the derivative and find derivatives using the definition of the derivative and the derivative rules or "short cuts".


This workshop explores approximating areas under curves using Riemann Sums. We will also investigate the various kinds of Riemann Sums (left, right, midpoint). This workshop should lead to a better understanding of what Riemann Sums are, where the formulas for them come from, and how to use them.  This workshop will also help you with the computational aspects of Riemann Sums, including sigma notation.


This workshop will help you understand both the first and second fundamental theorem of calculus conceptually and computationally. It also gives a brief introduction to the upcoming topic of u-substitution.


In-Person Workshops

 This workshop will help you refresh important math concepts you'll need in calculus. We will also go over various strategies for studying in Calc 1.

This workshop will help you compare and contrast limits existing and continuity, as well as compute limits. We will look at these concepts conceptually, graphically, and algebraically. This is a great way to begin synthesizing these topics before your first exam.

 This workshop will review the derivative short-cut rules you learned in class, as well as give many practice problems.


This workshop will build skills to visualize the situation being described and translate the situation into math. We will also work on implicit differentiation skills.

This workshop will continue to build skills to visualize situations and translate them into math. We'll also work on applying techniques of finding extrema. 

This workshop will task you with recognizing limits with indeterminate forms, assessing whether a situation requires L'Hopital's rule, and finally, using L'Hopital's rule in those situations. 

This workshop explores approximating areas under curves using Riemann Sums. We will also investigate the various kinds of Riemann Sums (left, right, midpoint). This workshop should lead to a better understanding of what Riemann Sums are, where the formulas for them come from, and how to use them.  This workshop will also help you with the computational aspects of Riemann Sums, including sigma notation.


This workshop explores the connections between derivatives and integrals, made precise by the two parts of the fundamental theorem of calculus. This workshop also covers substitution, a technique for finding integrals.